LLC "Korakalpokpahtasanoat hududiy filial" announces a tender for the position of internal auditor.
Requirements for candidates:
Candidates must have:
Experience of practical work (including part-time jobs) in the field of accounting, auditing, financial or tax control for at least two years from the last ten, and meet one of the following requirements:
Have an internal audit certificate;
Have a higher economic education, obtained in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan or in educational institutions of a foreign state and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan recognized equivalent education in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
To participate in the competition, candidates must submit a copy of the internal auditor's certificate, a copy of the diploma, and other necessary information about the candidate to Coracalloppahtasanoat Hududiy Branch LLC (indicating that the documents are being provided to the Supervisory Board of Korakallpohphtasanoat Hududiy Branch).
The documents must be mailed or submitted to LLC Korakallpokpahtasanoat hududiy filiali (Supervisory Board of Korakallpokpahtasanoat Hududiy Filialy LLC) at: Nukus Str. T. Kaipbergenov house 39.
Web-sayt: www
Phone, fax: (0 361) 224-90-00; 222-34-19.